the surface
Flowing is not a unique quality of the liquid, and liquid does not only flow. Matter and biomass are subject to a combination of flows and critical points of intensity. They manifest as such in relation to human space/time perspective.
Accumulations, crystallizations and eruptions do not exclusively happen in certain behaviors of visible matter, but also occur in language, genetics or social dynamics. For instance: a process of sedimentation or mineral crystallization can be similar to how a language permeates through a society. The design of social power structures resembles a stable atomic order, that is shaped to assure its endurance. In reverse, a volcanic rock structure, with its characteristic cavernous formations, suggest formal similarities with, say, a revolution. When we state that Occupy Wall Street, or the Revolt of Cairo have no form, it is because those events are forced to a radical change of pressure and temperature in a very short period of time.
The salt drillings and puddles, the maps and asphalt sheets here unfolded, translate the behavior of matter into a broader non-anthropocentric angle. This works reveal themselves as relative or transitory states in relation to human perspective.
The conquer of a virus and the scale of its battlefield.
Amalgam as the opaque ability of a substance to forget.
Amalgam is to override, to overwrite. To disallow the past.
As opaque in appearance as transparent in its lack of structure. This indecipherable material responds to a parasite hierarchy, ours. The one where a extreme close-up prevails over any possible angle.
As a sound, it would just be a collection of echoes. Plain reverberation where the original source is disconnected and not again recognizable.
But lifeless stuff is also subject to dynamics. The one of entropy, acceleration and the complication that systems suffer by default. That exponential progression of time and space. The opaque character of amalgam generates a position free of connotations but also the ability of mediating between subjects. The healing of systems by enabling them forget.
Accumulative memory to clear a linear sequence of events, to cover a territory or build a new one against time perspective.
Recent history of water.
Din A4 water jet cut street asphalt.
21 x 29 x 6 cm. 2013
The water jet cut Din A4 asphalt stems from its material composition. In the vocabulary displayed here, asphalt means the now, our own contribution to the current layering of material reality. This piece in particular has more to do with our way of storing physical information, as the standard of a paper sheet as the main material supporting the events of recent history. On the way it was produced (cut by a 0,6mm water stream) it’s shaped by the contradiction of relative states of matter aforementioned.
Paused sequence.
Fluorite drilling and sand blasted aluminum structure.
215x105x15 cm. 2013
The drillings on the wall, come from a fluorite mine in the North of Spain. The material was extracted 300 meters below the surface of the earth, and assembles the 32 meters of critical point before the resource is located. Fluorite is one of the main components in the production of aluminum. The drilling unfolds as a crystalized time line brought to the surface, as a film reel, ultimately.
Geographical translation.
Lost map technique smelting into aluminum. Ed. 5 Monotypes.
48x76x4,5 cm. 2013
A map is a physical support for the representation of a territory. Here, aluminum burns the map and gets rid of the information it gives, showing the geography of the object itself not the one it once represented. For this purpose the material is cast liquid and then solidified. That order in the states of matter is what allows the object to exist now. In the same way, this object’s current state is transitory and could change if other conditions are given.
Surface (Zeichstein Sea).
Is formed by 240 million-years-old sea salt recrystalizing on the surface of the exhibition space. The salt comes from the drillings Akzo-Nobel extracts from the Zeichstein sea, a Triassic period dried sea, lying 400 meters under the Netherlands. The floor has its own topography, an insignificant relief but the salt reveals the slight hills and valleys formed by its use almost as a photographic process.
Time surface.
4 min. 20sec. Loop video. Mute. Ed. 5. 2013
This looped video uses speed as a phenomenon capable of bridging geological and human time scales a bit. Again the transitory is the only way to scape a central point of conceiving reality. Dissolving space into a continuum of time.


Time surface. 4 min. Video loop.

Film stills. 16 mm HD Transfer.

Fluorite crytical point of intensity.

File strata.

Recent history of water.

DinA4 water-jet cut street asphalt.

Geographical translation.

Map smelting into aluminum.